Please note that as of August 1st, 2024, EnvKey Cloud is beginning a six month wind down. It will shut down on February 1st, 2025. New registrations are now disabled for EnvKey Cloud.
Learn more.
☠️ Prevent security incidents. Keep secrets away from code, email, chat, and browsers.
🛳 Ship faster. Prevent config bugs and keep environments in sync.
🐎 Tame your config. Prevent duplication and sprawl. Control access. Log everything.
🛠 Integrate anywhere. Works with every language, platform, and host.
$ npm install envkey --save
import 'envkey'
// That's it.
var stripe = require('stripe')(process.env.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY)
$ pip install envkey
import envkey
# That's it.
stripe.api_key = os.environ['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY']
gem 'envkey'
$ bundle install
# That's it.
Stripe.api_key = ENV['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY']
$ go get github.com/envkey/envkeygo
import _ "github.com/envkey/envkeygo"
// That's it.
stripe.Key = os.Getenv("STRIPE_SECRET_KEY")
$ composer require envkey/envkey-php
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Include the Composer autoloader
// That's it.
$stripe = new \Stripe\StripeClient(getenv('STRIPE_SECRET_KEY'));
$ envkey-source -- command
# That's it!
Works with 46 languages and counting.
Zero-knowledge end-to-end encryption with out-of-band verification ensures that no host, server, employee, or third party (including EnvKey) ever has access to your organization's secrets, unless it is specifically granted.
EnvKey protects secrets from insider threats, ex-employees, data breaches, browser extensions, third party services, and server compromise.
For EnvKey Cloud and Business Self-Hosted, redundancy across availability zones and regions allows us to guarantee >99.99% uptime for loading secrets and config.
EnvKey has eliminated a class of problem which absolutely plagued us, especially on new fast-moving projects, where you can't afford to lose half a day debugging some cryptic error message because there just happens to be a random new env var.
EnvKey has been such a lifesaver for our team at Soundstripe. Onboarding new developers was instantly streamlined as far as environment setups are concerned, and configuring servers has been simplified dramatically. We're hooked!
First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU. EnvKey has solved a major problem for us, in managing our secrets really well. We rolled it out across our dev, staging and production environments yesterday, and it was a smooth, 15 minute process.
Watch Dane integrate EnvKey with an app in just a few minutes.